00101131002141100101100011011101100000000000000000 This program is equiped with Cursor-Guide™. As the mouse pointer is placed on an object on the screen, information about that object will appear here automatically. SoftBackup II is copyright © 1987-1992 by D-K Research, Inc. All rights reserved. This is version C4.22. This Demo Version is limited to 5 MB per tape or disk (400K per floppy). SELECT SET: click on this button to select a different directory file (tape or WORM disk) or backup file (volume). To the right is the set number on the tape of the currently open backup directory. This is the set number of the currently open backup directory. Click on Next Set to move to the next set on the tape or click on Select Set to open a different directory file (tape) or backup file (volume). NEXT SET: click on this button to go to the next directory on the tape or WORM disk. This is the file by file restore window. On this window you can copy items from the backup media back onto a hard disk. FILE BY FILE: select this button to stay on the File by File Restore window. HELP: click on this button to get information about the file by file restore window. You may scroll up and down in order to select just the items you wish to restore. COPY: click on this button to copy the selected items on the right into the currently open folder on the left. IMAGE: select this button to go to the Image Restore window. You may scroll up and down to see what already exists in the folder and drive where your restores will go. DRIVE: click on this button to switch to another drive to restore to. EJECT: click on this button to eject the disk you are currently set to restore to. DONE: click on this button to close this window.